StoryGraph allows for flexible tracking, so if you're reading something not yet listed in our database that you'd like to track, you can add it yourself! :-)

If you search for it and it's not there, click through to View All Results, then click the grey button at the top of the search results which says 'Add a Book' (if you're not taken directly to the form). You'll then be able to cycle through options to import the book via ISBN or manually!

If it's pre-release, doesn't have an ISBN13, is in a language other than English, or you're the author, manually will be the more reliable option. Here's the direct link to the manual add form:  

Please be sure to also head to Preferences in the top right corner menu and tell us which languages you read in. This will ensure you see search results for books in those languages.

If there are existing editions for the book you're reading but your exact edition is not yet listed, you can add that too.

Click 'Editions' then click Add Edition in the top right corner. If you then click through to 'manually add it to our database instead', most of the information will be pre-filled for you. You can just add in the info relevant to your copy, such as ISBN, page count and cover. 

If you are adding reading material that is not typically meant for public review, such as fanfiction or academic articles, please be sure to check the 'Not a book' box:

If you are adding a newly published edition where the publisher has recycled the ISBN, you'll need to either use the ISBN10 or leave the ISBN field blank for now. We do have plans to address alternate covers/recycled ISBNs in the future. :-)